Welcome to the Dragon’s Beard! Tonight, we are featuring the first ever Battle of the Bards! Bards from across the lands have traveled day and night to come here to perform for you! The winner will be determined by the audience. Yes, townsfolk and adventures like you! So, have your ears, elven or otherwise, ready to pick who has the best songs to sing, the greatest tales to tell, and a voice that could make even a sultry siren quit singing and take note.
Are you ready Dragon’s Beard? Are you? Then let the Battle of the Bards begin!!!
Bard Weapons and Armor
Bards enjoy wearing light armor (leather, studded, and sometimes half plate) and using simple weapons like short swords, long swords, and daggers. They may also carry a light or hand crossbow. Along with weapons, a bard will carry its best tool, a musical instrument. Which instrument would your bard carry? Lutes are a crowd favorite, but people also choose lyres, flutes, drums, and violas too.
Bard Races
Many people like Half-Elves and Teiflings most. Let’s not look past the good old human bard, he/she can be a real blast at parties!
If you saw the new Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves movie you would have recognized Chris Pine playing a human bard. Who is your favorite bard and what movie, book, or game were they in?
Bard Backgrounds
Common backgrounds for bards include Criminal, which is great if your bard will be the acting rogue of the group, and Urban Bounty Hunter, which is all about the fun customization. However, Couturier seems like the best pick with its additional two skills which can fortify them as the team face and languages which are equally helpful. Urchin also works for those rogue replacing bards.
Doesn’t the light armor make sense now, especially if you are dancing around strumming a lute or banging on some drums during a late-night party. Or sneaking around collecting some extra coin from unattended purses afterwards.
What Makes a Good Bard?
Style and grace! No? Maybe? Ha!
Well, to be honest, gamers… A great bard is someone who wants to take charge and be the face of the team. This person will take point not only in conversations, but in the dark forest or damp dungeon. Perception is a strong bard skill and can help save the lives of your buddies when the team is navigating a labyrinth. Being the face of the team often means doing all the talking and bards can score high with intimidation and persuasion.
A bard is a good choice for someone who can’t decide which class they want to play the most. As a bard you can have stealth and other rogue skills along with various spells to cast. In fact, they have access to a ton of different skills which makes them one of the most versatile character classes. Therefore, a player can choose a bard and multiclass them with the one of the other classes they enjoy like fighter or rogue. You could even multiclass a bard with a warlock or paladin. Crazy, right?
Well, bards are full casters just like clerics and wizards, so make sure you lean heavily on your charisma because it is the single most important attribute for you.
Without Bards Our Lives, and Games, Would be so Much Duller.
Thank you, Christian Cornknell for that amazing rendition of Black Dragon Son!
The turnout here at the Dragon’s Beard has been incredible. Twenty-three bards performed at the Battle of the Bards today. Have you chosen your favorite? Your host, old Balbo Garabaldi has! Let’s list the top three based on applause and lack of rotten vegetables thrown at them. I’m looking at you, James the Page. HA!
First up, we have Meddie Frercury and his We Are The Elven Champions ballad. Second, Tailor Driftwood and her tale of Heartbreak at the Heart-shaped Lake. And last, but not least, Jonas the Living Legend with the passionate Fall with Me.
Now, when I place my hand over the bard whose performance you enjoyed the most hoot, holler, and shout at your loudest. Shall we begin?
Which of you adventurers loved the Elven newcomer Meddie Frercury the most?
Which of you treasure seekers enjoyed the seamstress turned bard, Tailor Driftwood the most?
And let’s not forget the Living Legend, Jonas! Who loved his romantic tales the most?
We have a clear winner. The winner is… You! Why? Because you picked the bard class!
Tabletop Beard’s bard scent is a fan favorite too! Have you tried it yet? It captures the class with an aroma of vanilla coffee and maple glaze. Turn up the volume and enjoy!