Greetings, fearless adventures! Welcome to Tabletop Beard. ‘Tis a stormy night, isn’t it? Come in—out of the cold! Have no worries, our hearth will keep you warm while our world-renowned bard performs. Tonight’s song will be very informative and helpful. Listen carefully as he explains just what beard oil is. Enjoy!
You may have seen them in your travels, little bottles with droppers and runes that spell out the words, “beard oil.”
But what is it?
Beard oil is essentially a leave-in conditioner for your facial hair. Why do you need it? Well, to grow and maintain a healthy beard, one must combat the evils that our face…faces.
Regular soaps are harsh on your skin and hair, often negating the natural oils your skin creates. Not only does beard oil make your beard softer, when properly applied, it will revitalize each strand of hair all the way down underneath your skin. This will keep your skin much less itchy, helping you to avoid beard dandruff, acne, and ingrown hairs too.
Have we convinced you that beard oil is valuable starting equipment yet?
How are these potions made? Good question! Usually, beard oil is a magical combination of things like jojoba oil, argan oil, avocado oil and seed oil and other similar ingredients. Artisans will add fruit extracts and more, creating scents such as mint berry, coffee, maple, and various citruses like our Barbarian’s favorite…blood orange. Trust us, it is best to seek products that are all-natural. Consider that a free bard protip.
Please note that these magical oils have been known to combat the evil tide of skin acne and hold off the forces of beard dandruff. What other legendary power can boast such victories and ask so little in return? We also wonder.
Having a well-maintained and manicured beard can help you feel more confident like a dashing bard, more masculine like a champion fighter or give an air of wisdom akin to that of the most astute wizard.
Who doesn’t like attracting proper attention from their peers? A hearty, “huzzah, nice beard, friend,” goes a long way these days!
The best part of all this is that beard oil is so simple to use that even lowly goblins can do it! We know, we tested several.
How to use beard oil: First step, shake well and then apply the desired amount to your hand. We suggest starting with 3 drops and increasing as needed. Warm the oil by rubbing it between your hands and then apply it to a damp beard and work into the skin.
Having a vial of beard oil in your backpack can be a real lifesaver for your face and beard. And we guarantee you will not regret taking it along with you on your travels.
(Disclaimer: no goblins were hurt during the testing of our awesome product.)
Ranger Beard Oil – Forest, Fresh Rain & Leather$19.99
Blood Barbarian Beard Oil – Blood Orange Citrus$19.99
Fighter Beard Oil – Smoked Oud & Steel$19.99
Bard Beard Oil – Vanilla Coffee & Maple Glaze$19.99
Rogue Beard Oil – Evening Cologne & Bourbon$19.99
Winter Solstice Beard Oil – Winter Mint & Pine$19.99